Husqvarna AB jobb

Lediga jobb hos Husqvarna AB

Verification Engineer Experienced

Today, you will spend your day here in the sun to test a new type of robotic mower (with cool techniques), which will soon be out on the market. That feeling is almost a bit tingly, knowing that your work will affect our customers' usage. With that in mind, you take a sip of your coffee and kick-start the day with some stay-out-zone testing for the mower. The team and the department: The next day, you may instead be at the office, in Huskvarna. You will meet your team on floor 3 in one of the newer buildings. As part of a tight-knit team of 20, you'll work closely with the entire product - to bring quality experiences to our customers. With robotics in a state of exciting expansion, this is your chance to be a part of a world-class development organization - and make a real impact. You'll work closely with other departments at Robotics, constantly discovering new and smarter ways to ensure our products are top-notch. Our teams tackle projects with a creative flair and a "let's do this" attitude. Every project is a new adventure. Since we are working agile, you kick off the day with some daily stand-up to go through which tests should be performed. Here at Robotics, you really will be a part of changing the game for turf care. Your contribution will be pivotal in ensuring our robotic mowers meet the high-quality standards that our customers have come to expect. Your testing and verification efforts will significantly improve user experience, enhance product safety, and shape the future of residential lawn care. So, how can we make sure that the Automower doesn't get stuck in narrow passages or a small corridor and can't get out of there? That the customer can navigate the mower back to charging with the app, or that the mower always finds its way back to the charging station? The testing is up to you! You will work closely with the development team, to highlight areas of improvement. You design and execute detailed test plans, to ensure our robotic mowers perform as intended. Regression testing, acceptance testing, and continuous verification of bug fixes - to find deviations against requirements and document unwanted mower behavior in the form of bugs or stories. You will also do WIFI-tests, Radar-testing, and GPS tests, for our newest family members (for example, NERA) that comes with Husqvarna's satellite navigation system, which enables the robotic mowers to work within virtual boundaries. Did we mention that it can be voice-activated? It even predicts the weather conditions to pick the perfect mowing time. Yes, here you can be working with the technology of the future, that's for sure. Required skills Proficiency in testing physical products, preferably with software or embedded systems. - Familiarity with Jira and structured testing processes. - ISTQB certification or similar is a plus. - Relevant educational background in testing, software development, electrical, or mechatronic engineering. - Fluent in English, with excellent reading and writing skills. - Possession of a B driver's license for travel to test facilities. It is important that you enjoy leaving the office and conduct the test of the products in their natural environment. You are fluent in English, both reading and writing. Since you will sometimes travel to our test facilities, you need to have a B driver's license. Who you are: As a person, you are structured, quality-conscious, and have an eye for details. Most importantly, we expect you to have a passion for what you do and that you want to be part of continuously improving how we work by being open and communicative and having fun with us! Location: Your primary work location will be at the site in Huskvarna. Travels up to 3 weeks per year are to be expected. Your application: Can you envision yourself being a part of this? If so, apply as soon as possible. We apply ongoing selection. If you have any questions regarding the position, contact Hiring Manager – Abdulrahman Kayali – [email protected], and about the recruitment process, please contact Talent Acquisition Partner - Erica Lindau - [email protected]. What happens after you have applied? When the application date is due, we will review your application carefully to see if your profile matches the requirements of the vacant position. If we believe you are a potential candidate for the role, you will be invited for an initial interview. In preparation for the interview you will receive information about the arrangement as well as other steps in the process, such as second interviews, assessments, references and introduction. If you aren’t chosen to proceed in the process, you will be informed of this at the latest when the position has been filled.

29 maj 2024
Sista ansökan:
23 juni 2024
Senior .NET utvecklare - Robotics Tools

Välkommen till ett av världens äldsta startup-bolag! På Husqvarna har vi verkligen passion för innovation - och med den skapar vi nya lösningar för att förbättra stads- och grönområden, som används och älskas av många. Genom att ständigt utmana oss själva har vi fortsatt att utveckla och omforma vår verksamhet, i över tre århundraden och vår innovativa kultur är något vi, tillsammans, skapar varje dag. Om Robotics Tools På Robotics Tools avdelning tar vi fram mjukvaruverktyg åt flera olika stakeholders. Vi underhåller och utvecklar olika serviceverktyg till Husqvarnas servicebolag och återförsäljare. Vi stöttar med testverktyg till produktionssiterna som tillverkar Husqvarna Automowers. Dessutom göra vi ett flertal olika verktyg och simulator för att stötta och hjälpa R&D organisationen på Husqvarna. Vi på Robotics Tools jobbar SCRUM-baserat med korta cykler och mycket interaktion med våra stakeholder och övriga utvecklingsteam på Husqvarna. Tools teamet har stora friheter att bestämmer över vilken teknik som är bäst att använda för våra uppgifter och vil strävar efter att använda den senaste teknologin. Inom Robotics Tools arbetar vi i hela produktcykeln, från design och implementation till test och verifiering. Vi tar fram nya produkter samt underhåller redan levererade produkter. Vi letar efter dig Vi söker dig som har högskole- eller civilingenjörsutbildning med inriktning mot C# och -NET med 5 års erfarenhet eller mer. Du har brett tekniskt intresse med fokus på mjukvara och får gärna ha erfarenhet av inbyggda system. På Robotics Tools så sker den mesta utvecklingen i C# och .NET. Vi värdesätter även kompetenser inom: .NET backend (ASP.NET Core, Blazor) Azure molntjänster och Azure infrastruktur Full-stack utveckling i .NET Automatiserade enhetstester Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Unity iOS- och Android-utveckling Är du den vi söker? För att passa in i våra team på Robotics Tools behöver du trivas med att arbeta i grupp och vara flexibel nog att hoppa in där det behövs. Vi letar efter någon som är självgående och drivande, och som gärna delar med sig av sina kunskaper. Du bör känna dig bekväm med att fungera som mentor för dina kollegor och vara villig att ta på dig mer ledande roller när situationen kräver det. Eftersom Husqvarna Group är internationellt, förväntar vi oss att du har goda kunskaper i engelska, både muntligt och skriftligt, för att kunna kommunicera effektivt med kollegor och partners runt om i världen. Arbetsorten är Huskvarna, men vi erbjuder även viss möjlighet till hybridarbete för att underlätta en flexibel arbetsmiljö. Ansökan Välkommen med din ansökan i form av ett personligt brev och CV. Vi tar ej emot ansökningar via e-mejl på grund av GDPR. Intervjuer sker löpande och vi ber dig därför att skicka in din ansökan så snart som möjligt. För specifik info om tjänsten kontakta rekryterande chef Maria Kihlbaum på [email protected] För frågor kring rekryteringsprocessen kontakta rekryterare Erica Lindau [email protected] #LI-CAREERATHUSQVARNASWEDEN

28 maj 2024
Sista ansökan:
23 juni 2024
Beräkningsingenjör till Husqvarna i Jonsered

Vill du vara med och påverka ditt eget arbete med goda möjligheter till yrkesmässig och personlig utveckling? Har du dessutom ett brinnande intresse för beräkningar? Då har du hittat rätt! Till avdelningen Advanced CAE på Husqvarna Group söker vi nu en beräkningsingenjör med civilingenjörsexamen med inriktning mot strukturmekanik. I tjänsten som beräkningsingenjör kommer du att delta i planering och utförande av strukturmekanikanalyser i alla faser av produktutvecklingsprocessen. Du kommer också att jobba med metodutveckling och implementering av nya metoder inom beräkning och simulering för att möta våra framtida utmaningar. Utvecklingsavdelningen arbetar med hela kedjan från idé till färdig produkt och uppföljning mot marknad, vilket gör att det här är ett mycket stimulerande arbete med stor bredd och många möjligheter för kompetensutveckling. Kollegorna i teamet har gedigen kompetens inom området och du kommer verka i en miljö som präglas av öppenhet och prestigelöshet där samarbete är en viktig nyckel till framgång. Då detta är en global funktion kommer du att ha löpande kontakt med övriga specialistfunktioner inom koncernen, såväl nationellt som internationellt. Jobbet innefattar beräkningsuppdrag i både lokala och globala utvecklingsprojekt inom samtliga av Husqvarnas produktlinjer. Vi står inför en utmanande framtid med alltfler batteridrivna produkter inom kategorin handhållet, men även Robotics står inför många nya och intressanta utmaningar där vi har en viktig roll att spela. Husqvarna erbjuder dig många tillfällen att arbeta med frågor av olika innehåll vilket ger dig en ypperlig plattform för personlig och yrkesmässig utveckling i ett internationellt perspektiv. Ort: Placering i Jonsered, men med möjlighet till hybridarbete. Du kommer bl.a. att verka för att bygga ut vårt kontaktnät mot Husqvarnas Business Unit Construction i Jonsered. Vem är du? Minst Civilingenjör i maskinteknik med inriktning mot strukturmekanik. Lång arbetslivserfarenhet som beräkningsingenjör (10+ år). Du har mycket goda kunskaper i ANSA/µETA och LS-Dyna. Flytande i svenska och engelska i både tal och skrift. God förmåga till att planera och strukturera ditt arbete, då många projekt innefattar att jobba mot en deadline. Nyfiken och intresserad, med en iver att ständigt lära sig nytt, både inom strukturmekanik/simulering och Husqvarnas produkter. Meriterande: Du har arbetat i Linux-miljö. Du har erfarenhet av programmering i ex. Python. Kunskaper i en eller fler av följande programvaror: Nastran och Adams Erfarenhet av arbete med Husqvarnas produkter. Som person är du drivande och självgående då du kommer att ha mycket eget ansvar. Du är kommunikativ då du ska kunna förmedla dina resultat på ett bra sätt. Vi ser gärna att du har en förmåga att kunna hantera många bollar i luften samtidigt. Vad vi erbjuder dig: En trygg anställning med många kollektivavtalade förmåner, så som arbetstidsförkortning och generöst friskvårdsbidrag. Stora möjligheter till kompetensutveckling, både genom rollens bredd men också genom kurser, utbildningar och konferenser. En flexibel arbetsmiljö som präglas av devisen ”frihet under ansvar”, där du själv i stor utsträckning kan påverka var och när det passar dig bäst att jobba. En trevlig grupp kollegor med passion för beräkningar Ansökan Välkommen med din ansökan så snart som möjligt, då vi löpande går igenom urvalet och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdag. Vid frågor kring tjänsten, var god kontakta rekryterande chef Roger Sparr [email protected] alternativt rekryteringsansvarig, Kristin Sundlo, [email protected] Vad händer efter din ansökan?  Vi går igenom ansökningarna löpande. Ser vi dig som en av våra potentiella kandidater kommer vi att kontakta dig för en intervju. I samband med detta får du information om upplägget för intervjun samt övriga steg i processen såsom ytterligare intervjuer, tester samt referenstagning. Om du inte går vidare i processen blir du informerad om detta senast när vi har tillsatt tjänsten.   Om Husqvarna Husqvarna Group är en världsledande tillverkare av innovativa produkter och lösningar för skogs-, park- och trädgårdsskötsel. Vårt sortiment omfattar bland annat motorsågar, trimmers, robotgräsklippare och åkgräsklippare. Koncernen är även ledande i Europa inom trädgårdsbevattning och världsledande inom kaputrustning och diamantverktyg för byggnads- och stenindustrin. Läs mer om oss här:

24 maj 2024
Sista ansökan:
14 juni 2024
Beräkningsingenjör till Husqvarna

Vill du vara med och påverka ditt eget arbete med goda möjligheter till yrkesmässig och personlig utveckling? Har du dessutom ett brinnande intresse för beräkningar? Då har du hittat rätt! Till avdelningen Advanced CAE på Husqvarna Group söker vi nu en beräkningsingenjör med civilingenjörsexamen med inriktning mot strukturmekanik. I tjänsten som beräkningsingenjör kommer du att delta i planering och utförande av strukturmekanikanalyser i alla faser av produktutvecklingsprocessen. Du kommer också att jobba med metodutveckling och implementering av nya metoder inom beräkning och simulering för att möta våra framtida utmaningar. Utvecklingsavdelningen arbetar med hela kedjan från idé till färdig produkt och uppföljning mot marknad, vilket gör att det här är ett mycket stimulerande arbete med stor bredd och många möjligheter för kompetensutveckling. Kollegorna i teamet har gedigen kompetens inom området och du kommer verka i en miljö som präglas av öppenhet och prestigelöshet där samarbete är en viktig nyckel till framgång. Då detta är en global funktion kommer du att ha löpande kontakt med övriga specialistfunktioner inom koncernen, såväl nationellt som internationellt. Jobbet innefattar beräkningsuppdrag i både lokala och globala utvecklingsprojekt inom samtliga av Husqvarnas produktlinjer. Vi står inför en utmanande framtid med alltfler batteridrivna produkter inom kategorin handhållet, men även Robotics står inför många nya och intressanta utmaningar där vi har en viktig roll att spela. Husqvarna erbjuder dig många tillfällen att arbeta med frågor av olika innehåll vilket ger dig en ypperlig plattform för personlig och yrkesmässig utveckling i ett internationellt perspektiv. Ort: Placering i Huskvarna, men med möjlighet till hybridarbete. Vem är du? Minst Civilingenjör i maskinteknik med inriktning mot strukturmekanik. Lång arbetslivserfarenhet som beräkningsingenjör (10+ år). Du har mycket goda kunskaper i ANSA/µETA och LS-Dyna. Flytande i svenska och engelska i både tal och skrift. God förmåga till att planera och strukturera ditt arbete, då många projekt innefattar att jobba mot en deadline. Nyfiken och intresserad, med en iver att ständigt lära sig nytt, både inom strukturmekanik/simulering och Husqvarnas produkter. Meriterande: Du har arbetat i Linux-miljö. Du har erfarenhet av programmering i ex. Python. Kunskaper i en eller fler av följande programvaror: Nastran och Adams Erfarenhet av arbete med Husqvarnas produkter. Som person är du drivande och självgående då du kommer att ha mycket eget ansvar. Du är kommunikativ då du ska kunna förmedla dina resultat på ett bra sätt. Vi ser gärna att du har en förmåga att kunna hantera många bollar i luften samtidigt. Vad vi erbjuder dig: En trygg anställning med många kollektivavtalade förmåner, så som arbetstidsförkortning och generöst friskvårdsbidrag. Stora möjligheter till kompetensutveckling, både genom rollens bredd men också genom kurser, utbildningar och konferenser. En flexibel arbetsmiljö som präglas av devisen ”frihet under ansvar”, där du själv i stor utsträckning kan påverka var och när det passar dig bäst att jobba. En trevlig grupp kollegor med passion för beräkningar Ansökan Välkommen med din ansökan så snart som möjligt, då vi löpande går igenom urvalet och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdag. Vid frågor kring tjänsten, var god kontakta rekryterande chef Per Carlén [email protected] alternativt rekryteringsansvarig, Kristin Sundlo, [email protected] Vad händer efter din ansökan?  Vi går igenom ansökningarna löpande. Ser vi dig som en av våra potentiella kandidater kommer vi att kontakta dig för en intervju. I samband med detta får du information om upplägget för intervjun samt övriga steg i processen såsom ytterligare intervjuer, tester samt referenstagning. Om du inte går vidare i processen blir du informerad om detta senast när vi har tillsatt tjänsten.   Om Husqvarna Husqvarna Group är en världsledande tillverkare av innovativa produkter och lösningar för skogs-, park- och trädgårdsskötsel. Vårt sortiment omfattar bland annat motorsågar, trimmers, robotgräsklippare och åkgräsklippare. Koncernen är även ledande i Europa inom trädgårdsbevattning och världsledande inom kaputrustning och diamantverktyg för byggnads- och stenindustrin. Läs mer om oss här:

24 maj 2024
Sista ansökan:
14 juni 2024
Junior Launch Lead

About the Role: Husqvarna is seeking a motivated and detail-oriented Junior Launch Lead to join us. The Junior Launch Lead plays a critical role in ensuring our products make a significant, consumer-oriented, and timely impact across all our markets. Working closely with the Senior Launch Lead, you will be a key point of contact for project management, driving the success of our launch processes. Key Responsibilities: Integrated Launch Plan: Assist in creating and following up on an integrated Go-To-Market (GTM) plan across various departments for identified product launches. Stakeholder Collaboration: Work with stakeholders from CSU, marketing, strategy, CMI, sales, logistics, R&D, and after sales to plan and execute projects. Launch Preparations: Support the preparation and timing of launches across functions, ensuring clear requirements, deliverables, deadlines, delivery gates, KPIs, and tracking are met. Project Meetings: Prepare for regular project and checkpoint meetings, ensuring continuous delivery and drive of the GTM process. Launch Results: Follow up on the results of launches, compiling inputs and learnings for future launches. Message Alignment: Ensure all stakeholders adhere to the aligned message platform and hierarchy for product/service launches. Sell-In Projects: Assist in the delivery of sell-in projects, including Horizon and sell-in presentation delivery. Sample & Data Coordination: Secure coordination of samples and data. Problem Solving: Proactively identify and help solve potential blockers to a customer-focused launch, such as late product delivery or campaign start dates. Knowledge Sharing: Leverage and share the cross-functional team’s knowledge to secure successful launches. Competitive Tracking: Deliver competitive tracking at the point of launch and share insights with the business. Project Support: Support the Senior Launch Lead in completing all project deliverables. Required Qualifications and Skills: University degree in Marketing or similar. 3-5 years' experience from a marketing role Strong project management skills with attention to detail Excellent communication and collaboration abilities. Proficiency in coordinating cross-functional teams. Comfortable working in a technical environment Ability to manage multiple tasks and deadlines efficiently. Analytical mindset with the capability to track and report on KPIs. Problem-solving skills to proactively address potential blockers. Knowledge of marketing, sales, logistics, and product development processes is a plus. Experience in a product launch or go-to-market (GTM) environment is a plus Fluent in Swedish and English Location: Husqvarna site in Huskvarna. The application  Can you envision yourself being part of this? If so, apply as soon as possible, we are going through the applications continuously. Due to GDPR we do not accept applications via mail.  For more information about the position please contact hiring manager Jenny Fisher-Toivo, [email protected] For more information about the recruitment process please contact Sebastian Glaas, Talent Acquisition Partner. [email protected] Husqvarna Group is the world’s largest producer of outdoor power products including robotic lawn mowers, garden tractors, chainsaws and trimmers. The Group is also the European leader in consumer watering products and one of the world leaders in cutting equipment and diamond tools for the construction and stone industries. The Group’s products and solutions are sold via dealers and retailers to both consumers and professional users in more than 100 countries. The head office is located in Stockholm, Sweden, and the share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Exchange.

23 maj 2024
Sista ansökan:
19 juni 2024
Sourcing Chemical Compliance Specialist

About Us: Husqvarna Group stands as a global pioneer in producing outdoor power products and groundbreaking solutions for forest, park, and garden care. Our diverse range of offerings includes top-tier chainsaws, trimmers, robotic lawn mowers, and ride-on lawn mowers. At Husqvarna, we're committed to innovation and sustainability, striving to make a positive impact on both our environment and our communities. Job Description: Are you passionate about sustainability and ensuring environmental compliance? Join us in this pivotal role where you'll contribute to securing a sustainable supply chain. As a Material Compliance Coordinator, you'll play a crucial part in executing chemical compliance initiatives, collaborating closely with our Commodity Managers, external partners, and suppliers. You'll be at the forefront of ensuring our materials meet the highest standards of environmental safety and regulatory compliance. Main Responsibilities: Enhancing Compliance: Drive efforts to increase RoHS, REACH, and RML compliance within the Husqvarna Forest and Garden Division. Process Improvement: Lead cross-functional initiatives to improve material compliance processes and data management, including the creation and maintenance of Chemical compliance KPIs dashboard. Supplier Coordination: Coordinate research and compliance efforts with our suppliers, ensuring alignment with our sustainability goals and regulatory requirements. Requirements: Bachelor's degree in Environmental Science, Chemistry, Supply Chain Management, or related field. Experience in material compliance, chemical management, or supply chain operations preferred. Strong communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to work effectively across teams and with external partners. Passion for sustainability and a commitment to driving positive change. Join Us: At Husqvarna Group, we offer a dynamic work environment where your contributions make a real difference. Join our team and be part of a company that is leading the way in innovation and sustainability. If you're ready to take on this exciting opportunity, apply now and become part of our journey towards a greener future! To apply for the position please submit your resume and cover letter. We look forward to hearing from you!

22 maj 2024
Sista ansökan:
3 juni 2024
Lab Engineer - Husqvarna shared R&D

We are excited to announce that we are currently seeking a dedicated and detail-oriented individual to join our team. In this role, you will primarily focus on packaging validation and packaging development testing. Your work will involve conducting tests and validations in accordance with both our internal test codes and external standards. Additionally, you will engage in root cause investigations to identify and address any issues that arise. This assignment is within Husqvarna shared R&D and the department of Physical & Durability specialist lab. As a specialist department within shared R&D we provide advanced testing, validation and analysis in a number of competence areas such as structural dynamics, acoustics, durability, EMC & packaging. Role Overview: This position offers a unique opportunity to work within a highly specialized team, contributing to the advancement of our R&D capabilities. You will collaborate closely with experts in various fields, gaining insights and experience that will enhance your professional growth. Your contributions will be instrumental in ensuring that our packaging solutions meet the highest standards of quality and performance. By joining us, you will be part of a forward-thinking organization that values innovation, precision, and continuous improvement. If you have a passion for rigorous testing and a keen eye for detail, we would love to hear from you. You will be a central part of developing and expanding our test methods and laboratory infrastructure related to packaging validation. Who We’re Looking For: - A way of working that is thorough and goal oriented with the ability to understand the importance of details. - Ability to read and interpret advanced technical documentation such as international validation standards. - Write technical reports, both in Swedish and English - Experience as a lab engineer - Experience from packaging testing according to ISTA standards - Knowledge of vibration validation principals - Engineering degree - Ability to communicate test results with multiple stakeholders in a complex environment. - Laboratory experience within NVH is meritorious Apply Today: If you’re a committed team player, eager to learn, and ready to make a significant impact on a dynamic team, we’d love to receive your application. Husqvarna is dedicated to empowering all employees, offering career development opportunities that foster our staff's best professional selves. Does this sound like an interesting role that you would like to know more about? Welcome with your application or contact us if you have any questions about the position. [email protected] (recruiting manager) [email protected] (recruiter) What happens after you apply? In this process, we continuously evaluate applications. If we believe you are a potential candidate for the role, you will be invited for an initial interview. If you are not selected to proceed further, you will be informed of this at the latest when the position has been filled. About Husqvarna Group Husqvarna Group is the world’s largest producer of outdoor power products including robotic lawn mowers, garden tractors, chainsaws and trimmers. The Group is also the European leader in consumer watering products and one of the world leaders in cutting equipment and diamond tools for the construction and stone industries. The Group’s products and solutions are sold via dealers and retailers to both consumers and professional users in more than 100 countries. The head office is located in Stockholm, Sweden, and the share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Exchange.    #LI-CAREERATHUSQVARNASWEDEN

20 maj 2024
Sista ansökan:
11 juni 2024
Lab Engineer

Join us! This assignment is within Husqvarna shared R&D and the department of Physical & Durability Specialist Lab. As a specialist department within shared R&D we provide advanced testing, validation and analysis in a number of competence areas such as structural dynamics, acoustics, EMC & packaging. Role Overview: As a lab engineer within Physical & Durability Specialist lab you will have a key role both within the department as well as a coordinator towards the rest of the Husqvarna R&D organization. In your daily work you will handle multiple internal Husqvarna contacts as well as external international contacts. You will document and coordinate certificate applications according to internal processes. You will also be involved in other administrative tasks and will have the possibility to expand your area of responsibility. You will be responsible for the internal coordination and management of the Outdoor Noise Directive (OND) application process with external partners like RISE, SMP and Horiba Mira. This includes overseeing OND production control and administering calibration processes, both internally and externally. Your duties will also involve document registration and life cycle management, conducting sound measurements according to OND standards, and writing technical reports. Additionally, you will work on developing internal processes, administering laboratory operations, and implementing improvements. Furthermore, you will support the department manager and Competence area leader for Certification (CAL-Certification) during internal and external audits, ensuring that all requirements are met efficiently. Who We’re Looking For: - Engineering degree. - The right mindset and an aptitude for administrative tasks is needed. - Ability to read and interpret advanced technical documentation such as international validation standards. - Fluent in both Swedish and English - Be able to navigate in a complex company environment and handle multiple contact points and tasks simultaneously. (With relevant guidance from senior colleagues) - A way of working that is thorough and goal oriented with the ability to understand the importance of details. - Well organized and strive for structure. - Laboratory experience within NVH is meritorious Apply Today: If you’re a committed team player, eager to learn, and ready to make a significant impact on a dynamic team, we’d love to receive your application. Husqvarna is dedicated to empowering all employees, offering career development opportunities that foster our staff's best professional selves. Does this sound like an interesting role that you would like to know more about? Welcome with your application or contact us if you have any questions about the position. [email protected] (recruiting manager) [email protected] (recruiter) What happens after you apply? In this process, we continuously evaluate applications. If we believe you are a potential candidate for the role, you will be invited for an initial interview. If you are not selected to proceed further, you will be informed of this at the latest when the position has been filled. About Husqvarna Group Husqvarna Group is the world’s largest producer of outdoor power products including robotic lawn mowers, garden tractors, chainsaws and trimmers. The Group is also the European leader in consumer watering products and one of the world leaders in cutting equipment and diamond tools for the construction and stone industries. The Group’s products and solutions are sold via dealers and retailers to both consumers and professional users in more than 100 countries. The head office is located in Stockholm, Sweden, and the share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Exchange.    #LI-CAREERATHUSQVARNASWEDEN

20 maj 2024
Sista ansökan:
11 juni 2024
Web frontend and full stack developer

Come join Pro Robotics in robotizing the professional greenspace industry! Husqvarna is in the forefront of robotizing the greenspace industry and we are now forming a dedicated R&D organization to even further strengthen our ability to deliver innovative top end robotic products and solutions meeting the demands of the professional customers. We believe that customer value is optimized by taking a solutions perspective and our responsibility includes the professional robotic products and related digital solutions. This offers the opportunity to work in a focused and agile team with loads of cool technology in many different engineering fields. We solve complex problems together with highly skilled colleagues from other disciplines while contributing to making the world a little bit more sustainable. Sounds interesting? We are looking for you! We are already a strong core team of around 60 people in the Pro Robotics R&D department, with around 30 are focused on the digital service development and operations. We are looking for a new team member in the field of Web frontend and full stack development in our Digital DevOps team. If you have 3 or more years of experience in, and love working with Web frontend and full stack development, then this is a perfect fit for you! We think that you have a strong drive and high motivation and want to make a difference for our customers who deserves the very best! You probably have experience in several of the following technologies and tools: Dedication to continuous integration and automation Enthusiasm for Agile software development. Degree in computer science, software development or computer engineering. Good hands-on experience with JavaScript, Typescript and Node.js. Experience with JavaScript frameworks, preferably React and Redux. CI/CD tools like Azure DevOps, Bamboo, Jenkins Dedication to unit testing, code review and other quality-oriented practices. You will be part of a team working together to achieve goals, share knowledge and learn from each other. The team develops new features, handles scaling as well as operations and support for the Husqvarna Fleet Services, the digital service that supports Husqvarna products for professional users. You will see the results of your own work and of the team in the market leading Husqvarna robotic mower and other products, and our digital services used by customers globally. We expect that you have a passion for what you do and that you want to be part of continuously improving how we work by being open, communicative and have fun with us! Location for the position is Huskvarna. Apply! There is so much more we can tell you, and we are looking forward to meeting our next member of Pro Robotics R&D Digital DevOps. Magnus Westroth: [email protected] – Manager, Digital DevOps

20 maj 2024
Sista ansökan:
2 juni 2024
IT Business Analyst - Digital Transformation & Aftermarket

At Husqvarna Construction, we're embarking on an exciting journey of digital transformation within our Aftermarket business. We're seeking a passionate and proactive IT Business Analyst to join our team and play a pivotal role in driving change through digitalization. About the role: In this role, you’ll be a part of Husqvarna Group's IT department, Global Information Services (GIS) and you’ll support Husqvarna Construction Division. In your role as an IT Business Analyst, you'll be at the forefront of bridging the gap between technical IT aspects and business requirements. Collaborating across departments, you'll contribute to reach the strategic goals of Husqvarna Construction by enhancing efficiency and effectiveness through digitalization. Responsibilities: Develop a deep understanding of the Construction business and associated IT systems and tools. Cultivate strong relationships with key business stakeholders and internal GIS colleagues. Lead pre-studies and IT change activities. Provide detailed functional / non-functional requirements and specifications for proposed solutions. Ensure that the solution developed complies with defined specifications, security, quality, and Business Partner requirements. Apply analytical tools and techniques to process and analyze data, visualizing findings clearly. Evaluate solution options, considering feasibility, cost and benefits - and make recommendations. Support in conducting business cases for IT investments. Participate in the implementation of designed solutions, including development, testing, and deployment. About You: To succeed in this role, we think that you have robust analytical, problem-solving and communication skills, combined with a natural curiosity, structured approach and self-driven nature. You navigate independently, embraces change, aren’t afraid of rolling up your sleeves and take charge of projects within our dynamic environment. You demonstrate capability to deliver significant outcomes and drive business expansion through innovative IT solutions. Your skills and experience: Minimum 5 years of experience in IT Business Analyst or similar roles, with Project Management capabilities. Broad knowledge in business process and IT, aligned with our vision to leverage digitalization for business success. Bachelor's degree in computer science or equivalent. Expertise in Excel, PowerPoint, Power BI, Visio and other essential tools. Experience in a Business role within the Aftermarket area, That’s a big plus! Location: Preferred locations for this position is in Sweden at any of our sites (Huskvarna, Gothenburg or Stockholm). But, with our hybrid working environment, you'll have the flexibility to work both onsite and remotely, promoting work-life balance for all team members. We like to meet in the office at least 2 days a week. How to Apply: If you're excited about driving digital transformation and making a significant impact within Husqvarna Construction's Aftermarket business, we'd love to hear from you! Apply as soon as possible but no later than 2024-06-09. We apply ongoing selection. At Husqvarna Construction we strive to have a work environment that is inclusive and diverse, where we believe that our differences are our strengths. Our winning culture is important to us, which is why we go by the beliefs: We are Bold, We are Dedicated and We Care. If you have any questions regarding the position contact Hiring Manager: Peter Strömberg – [email protected] If you have any questions regarding the recruitment process please contact Talent Acquisition Partner: Matilda Nordén – [email protected].

18 maj 2024
Sista ansökan:
9 juni 2024