Senior Processingenjör | Preem | Lysekil

Är du en erfaren ingenjör som vill bidra till utvecklingen av en hållbar och effektiv energiproduktion? Vill du vara en del av ett dynamiskt team som förbättrar och effektiviserar driften på ett av Europas ledande raffinaderier? Om svaret är ja, då är rollen som Processingenjör hos Preem i Lysekil perfekt för dig! ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Din roll Som Senior processingenjör kommer du att vara en nyckelspelare i teamet och erbjuda avancerat processtekniskt stöd gentemot produktion och underhåll. Du kommer att optimera anläggningarna för att säkerställa optimal drift, samt arbeta med energiledning och energiuppföljning för att effektivisera energianvändningen. Du kommer också att delta i processimulering och processdesign för att utveckla befintliga och nya anläggningar, samt initiera och driva projekt som bidrar till företagets långsiktiga mål och utveckling. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Din profil Vi söker dig som har flera års erfarenhet av att arbeta med processdesign och optimering av processanläggningar. Du är van att arbeta med energiledning och har ett analytiskt tänk. Som person är du initiativrik, strukturerad och trivs med att leda projekt samt att arbeta i en dynamisk och utmanande miljö. Kvalifikationer * Civilingenjör/MSc. inom kemi, process eller liknande * Minst 5 års erfarenhet av arbete inom processindustrin * Flera års erfarenhet av processdesign, optimering och energiledning * Erfarenhet av att leda och delta i projekt * Stark analytisk förmåga och erfarenhet av att arbeta med processimulering * Flytande i svenska och engelska, både i tal och skrift Har du denna erfarenhet är det extra meriterande: * Lång erfarenhet av att leda HAZOP/LOPA * Erfarenhet av utvärdering av dimensionerande fall samt beräkning av säkerhetsventiler (API521) / framtagande av ROPD * Erfarenhet av fackelstudier inklusive simulering i FLARENET * Goda kunskaper inom arbete med IOW (API584/API571) På Preem betonar vi vikten av mångfald och inkludering, och vi ser fram emot att välkomna en ny medlem till vårt team som kan bidra med sin unika erfarenhet och perspektiv. Är du redo att ta nästa steg i din karriär och göra ett verkligt avtryck? Vi ser fram emot din ansökan! ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Bli en del av Preems gröna omställning! Preem, Sveriges största bränslebolag, genomför nu en av de mest ambitiösa omställningarna inom energisektorn. Med projekt som Synsat och ombyggnaden av IsoCracker-anläggningen i Lysekil, investerar vi över 10 miljarder SEK för att öka vår förnybara produktionskapacitet till 2,5 miljoner kubikmeter årligen. Denna omställning innebär en omfattande modernisering av vår verksamhet. Genom att integrera avancerade tekniker för koldioxidinfångning och att utveckla förnybara bränslen som HVO och SAF, strävar vi efter att leda omvandlingen mot en mer hållbar energiproduktion. Vårt mål är att etablera en klimatneutral värdekedja senast 2035, vilket speglar vårt åtagande att bidra till en hållbar framtid. Om Preem Du blir en viktig del av Preem - en arbetsplats som präglas av välkomnande stämning, förtroende för medarbetarna och ambitionen att vara bäst i branschen när det gäller hållbarhet. Här får du frihet under ansvar och ofta chansen att vara med under hela processer - från början till slut. Att våra raffinaderier hör till de effektivaste i Europa hindrar oss inte: vi vill ständigt bli bättre. Tack vare vår storlek och våra komplexa produkter finns det alltid något nytt att lära sig inom en spännande verksamhet som präglas av snabba omställningar, tydliga regler och högt säkerhetstänk. För oss är det viktigt att du delar våra värderingar, Ansvarstagande, Nyskapande och Inkluderande eftersom de ligger till grund för allt vi gör. Ansökan Den här rekryteringsprocessen hanteras av Jefferson Wells för Preems räkning, vilket innebär att du kommer att bli anställd direkt av Preem. Vid frågor om tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta ansvariga rekryterare Mark Ferrer på [email protected] Då Preem är ett säkerhetsklassat företag kan en säkerhetsprövning med registerkontroll genomföras vid behov. Säkerhetsprövningen kommer att genomföras i enlighet med bestämmelser i säkerhetsskyddslagen. För Sverige godkänd ID-handling ska kunna uppvisas. Preem har som policy att alltid genomföra alkohol- och drogtest på samtliga slutkandidater Urval och intervjuer sker löpande. Varmt välkommen med din ansökan!

15 maj 2024
Sista ansökan:
26 juni 2024
Chemical Process Engineer

Exeger is making sustainable energy more accessible for people around the globe with the vision to touch the lives of a billion people by 2030. Our innovative product, Powerfoyle, is the world’s only fully customizable solar cell. Our customers, 3M, Urbanista, Adidas Headphones, POC and others, use it to power their most loved products. ABOUT THE POSITION The Process Engineering team works with production and technical development. As a Process Engineer at Exeger you are responsible for ensuring that both existing and future manufacturing processes run reliably and efficiently to support the production of our solar cell, Powerfoyle. Your responsibilities As a Chemical Process Engineer you will play a pivotal role in the design, development, and implementation of chemical processes for our new manufacturing site. You will collaborate across other departments including engineering, R&D, operations, and Quality to ensure the successful launch of our facility. Moreover, you will also: • Design and optimize chemical processes for the manufacturing of our inks • Develop process designs and standard operating procedures. • Ensure compliance with safety, environmental, and regulatory standards. • Provide technical expertise and support to operational teams during startup and production phases. Who are we looking for? You must have a good understanding of what it takes to make a successful production process. Since you will collaborate with people from other fields, we believe that you have great communication skills. You like making things work and are comfortable with discharging responsibility. To be the right fit for us you take responsibility in your work and show determination to deliver. Furthermore, you are curious to learn and want to share the knowledge you have with others. Besides bringing the right attitude we also see that you have the following experience to thrive with us: • Bachelor’s or master’s degree in chemical engineering or related field. • A few years of experience in chemical process design and development, preferably within a manufacturing or industrial setting. • Proficiency in CAD tools like SolidWorks and drawing P&ID is beneficial Why Exeger We are on an exciting journey to bring our groundbreaking solar cell technology to the world.  Sprung out of the solid Swedish industrial heritage, we are now in the stage of industrializing at scale to create real, impactful change. We embrace differences and our behaviours are all about being curious, determined, responsible and being yourself. We are passionate about our technology and being part of building the next generation of clean green industry. WHAT NOW Please send your application via Exeger’s career page. If you do not have a resume at hand, you are welcome to apply with your LinkedIn-profile.

14 maj 2024
Sista ansökan:
9 juni 2024
Operativ medarbetare till kärnavfallsenheten – Ringhals

Företagsbeskrivning Ringhals kärnkraftverk levererar fossilfri el varje dag, året runt. Vi har mer än 40 års erfarenhet av elproduktion. Ringhals ligger på västkusten i Varbergs kommun, sex mil söder om Göteborg. Vår medarbetarkultur präglas av kompetens, kunnande och positiva människor som vill dela med sig av sina kunskaper. På Ringhals arbetar vi ständigt med att utveckla vår verksamhet och vårt arbetssätt för att kunna nå de krav som kunder och omvärld ställer på oss. Därför ser vi individens utveckling som en stor del av företagets framtid. Hos oss erbjuds du personlig utveckling på en arbetsplats med många möjligheter. Läs gärna mer om vår verksamhet Jobbeskrivning Vill du vara med och bidra till Sveriges fossilfria elförsörjning? Nu har du möjlighet att bli en viktig del hos oss på Ringhals. Vi söker en engagerad och strukturerad processingenjör till vår operativa avfallsgrupp. Ringhals enhet för aktivt avfall hanterar anläggningens låg- och medelaktiva kärnavfall. Detta innefattar transport, mottagning, behandling, förpackning, dokumentation och rapportering samt avbördande av aktivt avfall i enlighet med gällande krav. Vi genomför också radiologisk dekontaminering av avfall, komponenter och verktyg. Tillsammans arbetar vi för en trygg vardag där ledarskap, kultur och kompetens står i fokus. Att arbeta med radioaktivt avfall är ett av tidernas mest spännande miljöarbete. Det är en stor utmaning som kräver engagemang och uthållighet samt en vilja att förändra och förbättra! Som processingenjör i gruppen kommer du att arbeta inom den operativa verksamheten på Ringhals avfallsenhet. Du kommer ha en operativ roll inom våra olika områden dekontaminering, ytterområde, fast avfall och vätskeformigt avfall. Huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter: utföra dekontaminering sortera och bearbeta avfall inför mellanlagring och slutdeponering hantera mellanlagring av avfallskollin så att det genomförs enligt uppsatta krav ta fram, förvalta och utveckla instruktioner och anvisningar planera och genomföra ronder i anläggningen, till exempel brand-, säkerhets, housekeeping- och skyddsronder utföra mätningar processdrift av vattenhantering och ingjutning av avfall utföra den registrering och dokumentering som görs i samband med avfallshantering genomföra transporter inom verksamheten med truck, travers och ev. lastbil Rollen kräver att du brinner för samarbete och goda relationer då du samverkar aktivt med underhållsgrupper och strålskydd i syfte att tillse att vår anläggning har en god och funktionell status. Kravspecifikation För att lyckas i rollen ser vi gärna att du har: gymnasieutbildning, gärna inom teknik relevant arbetslivserfarenhet inom industri/process datorvana god kunskap i svenska språket, både tal i och i skrift Det är meriterande om du har: eftergymnasial utbildning inom process, teknik, kemi, eller radiologi/strålskydd eller erfarenhet av radioaktiv avfallshantering C-kort, truckkort eller erfarenhet av lyft Som person trivs du med variation i vardagen eftersom verksamhetens behov kan skifta och därför också dina arbetsuppgifter. Du tycker om att ta eget ansvar och har förmågan att driva ditt arbete framåt även om oväntade saker ibland sker och vägen framåt inte alltid är tydlig. Du är kommunikativ och främjar en öppen dialog med ärlighet och transparens som viktiga nycklar. Ytterligare information Karriär och utveckling I vår organisation finns det stora möjligheter att utvecklas, både internt på Ringhals och i resten av Vattenfall-koncernen. Du kan bland annat: Kvalificera dig inom befintlig befattning Specialisera dig inom specifika områden Delta i företagsinterna/externa verksamhetsutvecklingar Delta i företagsinterna/externa engagemang och förtroendeuppdrag Utvecklas inom ledarskap och chefskap Vi erbjuder Förutom att du får vara med och forma framtidens smarta energisamhälle erbjuder vi dig ett utvecklande och omväxlande arbete med många kontaktytor. För oss på Vattenfall är det viktigt att arbete och privatliv har en god balans, därför erbjuder vi flexibilitet i arbetet. Vi har även en hel del personalförmåner som exempelvis arbetstidsförkortning, förmånliga tjänstepensionsavtal, föräldraledighetstillägg med mera. Läs mer om våra förmåner här. Placeringsort: Ringhals. Vid frågor om själva tjänsten hör av dig till: rekryterande chef Marie Edelborg, 0705-163767. Vid frågor om rekryteringsprocessen hör av dig till: rekryterare Carolina Bölander [email protected]. Fackliga representanter Ringhals: Patrik Andersson- Akademikerna, Jonas Eriksson - Unionen, Anders Karlsson - Ledarna, Alexander Johnsson- SEKO. Samtliga nås på 0340-66 70 00. Välkommen med din ansökan senast den 2 juni 2024. Urval och intervjuer kan komma att ske löpande så vänta inte med att skicka in din ansökan. Vi tar endast emot ansökningar via vår webbplats. Vi ser fram emot din ansökan! Vi är övertygade om att mångfald bidrar till att bygga ett mer lönsamt och tilltalande företag och strävar efter att vara goda förebilder när det gäller mångfald. Vattenfall arbetar aktivt för att alla medarbetare ska ha samma möjligheter och rättigheter oavsett ålder, etnisk eller kulturell bakgrund, könstillhörighet, religion/tro, sexuell läggning eller funktionsförutsättning. Läs mer om hur vi arbetar med mångfald och inkludering här. Vattenfall är en del av Sveriges kritiska infrastruktur och vår verksamhet omfattas bland annat av regler om säkerhetsskydd, nukleär icke-spridning och exportkontroll. På grund av dessa regler genomförs en kontroll av kandidaten för många av tjänsterna i vår verksamhet innan anställning sker. För de tjänster som leder till deltagande i säkerhetskänslig verksamhet eller placering i säkerhetsklass innebär denna kontroll att säkerhetsprövning genomförs i enlighet med säkerhetsskyddslagen. Vi ser fram emot din ansökan!

14 maj 2024
Sista ansökan:
2 juni 2024
Mechanical/Piping Engineer – Battery Cell Process & Equipment Engineering

Mechanical/Piping Engineer – Battery Cell Process & Equipment Engineering Are you a driven engineer with a great interest in battery technology? Step into the world of Battery Cell Process & Equipment Engineering and be part of a team that's shaping the future of technology and innovation! We are building a state-of-the-art Gigafactory that will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe. We are now looking for Mechanical/Piping Engineers to join our Engineering team. Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery. Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars. We are currently seeking Mechanical/Piping Engineers to play a pivotal role in our Engineering team, working in the Electrode area of Battery Cell Production. This position offers an exciting opportunity to work at the forefront of battery technology, contributing to the development of next-generation energy storage solutions as well allows to lead the process and equipment development of our projects. Our Engineering team is coalition of specialists, engineers and technical project managers. Together they work toward the shared goal of scaling and industrializing the production of our lithium-ion battery technology that will help Volvo transform into a pure electric car manufacturer. The team is currently focused on designing, planning and equipping a world class Gigafactory in time for start of production in 2026 What you will do In this role you will support in the mechanical and piping design, installation, and commissioning of the Slurry Mixing area in our Electrode team. This role requires a comprehensive understanding of mechanical engineering principles and the ability to effectively collaborate with various stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle. Key responsibilities will include: - Review of all detailed mechanical design deliverables, experience in mechanical design of the following equipment is desirable: mixers, motors, pumps, heat exchangers, tanks, and hoppers, among others. Additionally, you'll be responsible for evaluating detailed piping design deliverables. - Actively engage in mechanical engineering design and delivery processes, utilizing various tool. Special attention will be paid to aspects such as thermomechanical stress, thermal expansion, cyclical thermal loading, heat transfer, and thermodynamics. - Collaboration with suppliers, as you'll work closely with them to ensure seamless integration and quality control. You'll also play a vital role in supporting factory acceptance testing, working hand-in-hand with suppliers to ensure all criteria are met satisfactorily. - Evaluate vendor offerings and contribute to the selection and evaluation process. Additionally, you'll be involved in supporting the closure of mechanical completion deliverables, ensuring that all necessary documentation and procedures are in place. - Development of key maintenance documentation, including work instructions, inspections, and testing protocols, to facilitate smooth operations post-installation. - Supporting commissioning activities and testing procedures to ensure operational readiness. Overseeing site acceptance testing to verify installations meet specified requirements and client expectations. Your background We see that you are a curious and persistent team player with a track record of leading process improvement projects in a production environment. You approach problem-solving with a “can-do” attitude, discipline and thrive in a fast-paced environment. - BSc or MSc of Engineering or in mechanical, chemical, industrial, or equivalent - Demonstrated expertise in detailed piping and mechanical design, with experience in mixing and motor design being advantageous. - Proven industry experience in mechanical and piping design, showcasing the ability to establish effective methodologies in this domain. - Proficiency in relevant 2D and/or 3D CAD software packages. - Comprehensive understanding of industrial plant design principles and critical interface points. - Knowledge of relevant EU legislation relating to piping and mechanical equipment design. - High proficiency in English, proficiency in additional languages is considered advantageous. Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery. Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars. Our Gigafactory in Gothenburg will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe, with a potential annual cell production capacity of up to 50 gigawatt hours (GWh) - thereby enabling a supply of batteries for approximately half a million Volvo cars per year. Our state-of-the-art R&D facility will gather leading expertise from all over the world, to create the next generation battery cells. You can read more about this joint venture in these press releases, here and here.

13 maj 2024
Sista ansökan:
13 juni 2024
Project Engineer

Project Engineer at biomaterial start-up Join the next rubber revolution! If you are an engineer with experience from process industry projects who believes that a sustainable bioeconomy has to be the future, please share your application with us! We are a start-up developing sustainable biomaterials. Our Reselo Rubber, produced from a forestry side streams will make real differences when applied in industries such as footwear and automotive. To meet customer demand, we are scaling up our production and are designing our first of many production plants. Therefore, our process development team is expanding and we are excited to meet candidates with a desire to make a difference! Job Responsibilities · Joint development and delivery of production plants. · Technical documentation and design, such as P&ID, layout, flow diagrams, isometric drawings, drawings, and equipment lists. · Design & selection of equipment for process plant utilities. · Ensuring seamless operation between unit processes, including piping and conveying, evaluation of supplier battery limits, and communication with equipment suppliers. · Supporting selection of process plant equipment including initiation and maintaining supplier contacts. · Supporting project activities, such as process- and product development, and site preparation. Skills & Requirements · Proven understanding of design and operation of process plants. · Experience from delivery of process plant projects. · Curious and innovative, problem-solving mindset with Doer attitude. · Degree in engineering or other relevant background. · Team player. · English is a requirement, Swedish a merit. · Working permit in Europe or Sweden. By joining Reselo you will have the possibility to contribute to building a future leader in the biomaterials industry, thus aiding in establishing a sustainable bioeconomy. As a start-up we believe that a great flexibility in work-life balance and an inclusive company culture based on constructive feedback will enable you to become a key player for bringing new materials to the market. Place of work: Greenhouse Labs, Teknikringen 38A, 114 28 Stockholm Apply by: 1. Compile an e-mail answering this question briefly: - What process plant delivery project(s) have you been a part of and what were your responsibilities? 2. Attach your resumé (CV) and send to [email protected].

7 maj 2024
Sista ansökan:
7 juni 2024
Product Specialist Lubricants till Business Sales på Preem

Har du erfarenhet av att arbeta med smörjmedelsprodukter, är resultatorienterad och har ett brinnande intresse föratt bygga långsiktiga kundrelationer? Motiveras du av en bransch som är under förändring, gillar att ta egna initiativ ocharbeta självständigt?Då är rollen somProduct Specialist Lubricants en spännande möjlighet för dig! Om rollen SomProduct Specialist Lubricants blir ditt uppdrag att ta ägarskap över produktstödet för smörjmedelsprodukter inom sektionen Energy. Du kommer att ha många kontaktytor, både externtmed leverantörer och internt med bland annat försäljningsorganisationerna. Rollen innebär mycket eget ansvar, vilket innebär attsjälvständigt planera sin tid, ta de kontakter och samla den information som krävs för att uppfylla de krav som ställs på befattningen. Du blir del av ett team som rapporterar till Försäljningschefen för Business Sales (Fuels & Lubricants). Resor ingår i tjänsten med upp till 40 resdagar per år. Huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter Arbeta med produktstöd och bidra till arbetet med produktutveckling, produktportföljshantering och strategisk produktplanering för smörjmedel i samverkan med KAM, Price & Product Manager och kunder Samverka med Price & Product Manager och vägleda försäljningsorganisationen i syfte att säkerställa att centrala ramverk och gällande lagstiftning efterföljs Bidra till att optimera produktsortimentet utifrån ett tekniskt perspektiv med fokus på kundnytta Ansvarig för teknisk utredning t.ex. vid reklamationer och avvikelser Teknisk support till SMO-support Planera och genomföra interna och externa utbildningar inom produktområdet Vi erbjuder dig Du blir en viktig del av Preem – en arbetsplats som präglas av välkomnande stämning, förtroende för medarbetarna och goda utvecklingsmöjligheter. Vi arbetar utifrån syftet att göra resan till en bättre framtid möjlig. Just nu genomgår vi den största omställningen i vår historia där det fossila successivt fasas ut och ersätts av förnybara alternativ. En omställning vi gör för att vi vill, kan och måste. Hos oss får du frihet under ansvar och uppmuntras att ta egna initiativ för att utveckla verksamheten framåt. För oss är det viktigt att du delar våra värderingar, Ansvarstagande, Nyskapande och Inkluderande eftersom de ligger till grund för allt vi gör. Har du den här bakgrunden God kunskap om kem-och smörjmedelsprodukter samt dess applikationer Viss säljerfarenhet med stort kundfokus Goda kunskaper i de normer/standarder som berör smörjmedel God allmän miljökunskap och allmän kemisk kunskap Erfarenhet avpresentationerinför åhörare, via tekniska plattformar som i skrift Innehar körkort B-behörighet Är det här du För att trivas ochlyckas i rollen är det viktigt att du är resultatorienterad samt relationsskapande och skicklig på attbygga långsiktiga kundrelationer. Vidare har du ett strukturerat arbetssätt, en drivande och ansvarstagande inställning och en mycket god kommunikativ förmåga. Vi tror även att du har en bredteknisk kompetens och har ett stort intresse avatthålla dig ajour medförändringar i marknaden och inom Preem.I denna rekrytering lägger vi stor vikt på personliga egenskaper. Nästa steg Vi ser fram emot att ta emot din ansökanså snart som möjligt, men allra senast 31 maj 2024. Du ansöker genom att bifoga CV samt besvara urvalsfrågor istället för att bifoga personligt brev. Om du har frågor om rollen eller rekryteringsprocessen är du välkommen att kontakta Peter Kaali, Price and Product Managerpå[email protected] eller Kenneth Olsson,Head of Business Sales på[email protected] . Då Preem bedriver en samhällsviktig verksamhet genomförs alltid bakgrundskontroll samt alkohol-/drogtest inför ett anställningserbjudande. Vid intervju ska för Sverige godkänd ID-handling kunna uppvisas. Preem är även till del ett säkerhetsklassat företag och en säkerhetsprövning med registerkontroll kan därför genomföras vid behov. Säkerhetsprövningen genomförs i enlighet med bestämmelser i säkerhetsskyddslagen. Facklig kontaktperson finns här. Varmt välkommen med din ansökan!

2 maj 2024
Sista ansökan:
19 oktober 2024
Process Utilities Engineer

We are looking for a driven Process Utilities Engineer to join us in our mission to contribute to a greener future. The role is a part of our passionate Utility team based in Skellefteå. By joining us, you will be a key player in ramping up our Utility department and contribute to building one of the first large scale European battery factories. At Northvolt you will be part of a fast growing company with high-energy and a dynamic environment. As process associate you will work in a top modern facility with new technology. So forget about everything you thought you knew about working in the industry, this is going to be completely different. You will work in close collaboration with other associates, engineers, maintenance, quality and environment personnel. You will be part of a team where each and everyone counts to make this a success. You will get the chance to really make an impact and be part of shaping our way of working in the future. We work hard to create a good work environment, to make room for creativity, initiatives for improvement and a possibility for people to grow. Key responsibilities include but are not limited to: • Updating/Improving of piping and instrumentation diagram (P&IDs) for processes and utilities for Northvolt Ett • Keep track of required capacity due to production • Interface with operators, technicians and other production personnel to understand and communicate improvements that needs to be done and has been done. • Take the lead in developing and optimize process & maintenance programs for equipment. • Follow up on performance, quality reliability of the equipment. • Ensure the fulfillment of all applicable guidelines, regulations and compliance measures Personal success factors: The person we are looking for is flexible, curios and eager to learn. We cherish good communication skills and innovative thinking. You will interact with many different cultures, so we think you are down to earth and understanding. Our organization values great self-discipline and a natural talent to make things happen. Qualities that we cherish are sense of quality, friendliness, grit and a sense of humor. Northvolt is an equal opportunity employer. We're a diverse group of individuals, united by a common mission, who recognise that while our actions as individuals have a role to play in driving Northvolt towards its goals, we always seek to move forward as a team. We offer you an open and welcoming atmosphere where we win as a team – and fail as a team. Northvolt is growing at the speed of light and we are a strong believer in internal career development. For us it’s important to look at your skills and potential, please refrain form including your picture and age with your application to help us with this. Apply with CV in english or your complete LinkedIn profile. Full time employment, fixed salary. Planned starting date is asap. Skills & Requirements We believe that you have: Master's Degree in Chemical, Mechanical, Industrial, Process, Energy Engineering, or equivalent 4-6 years’ experience working with either HVAC, oil and gas, petrochemical, power plant, food industry, paper and pulp industries Hands-on experience from installing/servicing previously mentioned industries in the field Experience from working with P&IDs both as user, also as designer Familiar with piping standards and fluid and gas transferring components (pumps, compressors, expansion tanks, heat exchangers, fans, piping/tubing, filters etc.) Capability to develop conceptual designs for fluid and gas transferring system Familiar with large spreadsheet files Great listener and excellent in documentation Preferably experience from high speed and large volume manufacturing industries Great communication skills as you will be in constant interaction with team members and prospective customers Experience working with international colleagues and customers Excellent English written and oral skills Ability to work under high pressure and tight deadlines, excellent time management Strong organization skills and used to manage a range of activities simultaneously Ability to work well with others in a team environment, as well as independently Ability to work in a high profile and often high-pressured environment (start-up) Bonus points for: Professional in Microsoft Excel Familiar with 2D and 3D CAD software AutoCAD About Northvolt Northvolt makes green batteries for a blue planet. Affordable cells and high-quality battery systems. All manufactured with a record-low carbon footprint. Purposely built to provide Europe with the opportunity to switch to renewable energy – efficiently and entirely. To accomplish this, we do things differently. We design, manufacture, and recycle everything under one roof. We even build our own factories. All this is incredibly challenging and requires us to think in unconventional ways. We’re constantly experimenting, learning and adapting to make batteries so great – they will one day make oil history. Northvolt is growing fast. We’re staffing our international office in Stockholm, our R&D facility, Northvolt Labs, in Västerås, as well as our Gdansk facility for production of battery systems. We're also hiring for our gigafactory Northvolt Ett in Skellefteå, Sweden. We want to work with smart individuals from all disciplines. Strong individuals that truly want to make a positive impact on the future. Those of us already on board share a passion for our mission. We’re prepared to work hard in pursuit of excellence. We enjoy the ride and our main drive is to make a difference for real. As a team, we’re dedicated to thinking new, working hard and having fun.

29 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
30 juni 2024
Lead Launch Engineer

Northvolt has exciting job offers for Launch Engineers to join our bold team in our gigafactory in Skellefteå in the North of Sweden. In joining us you will play an important part from the very start in designing the expansion of one of the first large scale European battery factories. Northvolt will play an important role in the transformation to a carbon free society. Launch Engineer is responsible for working with suppliers and a cross functional NV team for equipment design after purchase order, through FAT at the supplier site all the way to commissioning and process engineering before handover to manufacturing. They will be the liaison between the commissioning lessons learned being translated into future improved design. This role will allow you to take your understanding of the current equipment and processes, and utilze it to pave the way for future upgrades and designs, contributing to the launch of cutting edge cell manufacturing equipment. Key responsibilities include but are not limited to: Own and lead commissioning activities on site and support handover to manufacturing. Manage detailed design and process engineering from PO to FAT for manufacturing equipment. Lead design reviews and FMEAs with suppliers and approve machine design concepts, technical drawings and documentation. Provide feedback and guidance to suppliers to ensure equipment quality, technical specifications and CE standards are met. Develop and issue DOEs and schedule process and equipment trials at supplier and NV manufacturing. Lead the definition and release of standards for manufacturing processes. The person we are looking for are team players, curious, and eager to learn. You will get the chance to have a real impact on our success story in Sweden (to start with) and see the results of your work. Our organization requires and values great self-discipline and natural talent to make things happen. Northvolt is an equal opportunity employer. We're a diverse group of individuals, united by a common mission, who recognise that while our actions as individuals have a role to play in driving Northvolt towards its goals, we always seek to move forward as a team. We offer you an open and welcoming atmosphere where we win as a team – and fail as a team. Northvolt is growing at the speed of light and we are a strong believer in internal career development. For us it’s important to look at your skills and potential, please refrain form including your picture and age with your application to help us with this. Apply with CV in English or your complete LinkedIn profile. Please note that any applications submitted via email or direct messaging will not be considered. Skills & Requirements: BSc or MSc degree in mechanical or chemical engineering. 3+ years of relevant work experience within equipment and process design and engineering related fields. Successful track record of leading process improvement projects in a production factory. Experience from building and scaling production in a fast-growing environment ideally in the Battery, Automotive, Food, Pharma, Paper & Pulp, Semiconductor, Electrochemical or similar industry. Curious, technically educated, and preferably with a strong problem-solving background. Experience and interest in equipment design, process development and commissioning. Very good knowledge of English.

8 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
22 augusti 2024
Process Engineer

Process Engineer to Stockholm Do you want to be involved in influencing the environment and shaping the future of the cement industry? In the role as a Process Engineer with us at Cemvision, you get to work with dedicated employees and world-leading researchers in the industry. Do you want to be part of this growth journey in a company that makes a difference? Then you might be the one we're looking for! What we offer If you are passionate about contributing to making a significant positive impact on the environment, we offer a unique opportunity to disrupt and help shape the future of the cement industry. You will be part of a dynamic and collaborative team of experts that is dedicated to, together as a team, creating a sustainable future for generations to come. We also offer a market salary, benefits package, and an exciting and innovative work environment where we focus on creating a culture where everyone can thrive and feel valued and supported. We are proud to be backed by Breakthrough Energy Fellows (founded by Bill Gates in 2015), Norrsken Foundation, EQT Foundation, Polar Structure, BackingMinds, and Zacua Ventures, as well as companies from the cement, construction, and real estate industries. What does Hedvig Axberg, Supply Chain and Project Lead, have to say about working at Cemvision? "Cemvision is at the forefront of technological development and innovation. Being part of an organization that strives to be a leader in our field while also contributing to a better world was incredibly appealing to me when I chose to start working here. Another factor that attracted me was the strong team. The employees have impressive experience and knowledge in their respective areas. Working together with such talented individuals was seen as a unique opportunity. Additionally, it was the diversity within the team that really made a difference. To thrive as a project leader at Cemvision, it's important to have an innovative mindset, be able to think outside the box, and find new solutions. Being able to analyze and solve problems efficiently is crucial for driving innovation and progress." About the role As a Process Engineer, you will play a pivotal role not only in our demo- and full-scale trials and production processes but also in expanding your expertise to encompass retrofit design and engineering of greenfield projects. Your focus will be on optimizing efficiency, ensuring product quality/development, and minimizing environmental impact. Your expertise will be instrumental in refining our green cement production techniques, ensuring they not only meet but exceed industry standards. Key responsibilities Collaborate on the design and execution of demo- and full-scale trials, overseeing the implementation of processes and technologies in the cement plant. Analyze production data, identify bottlenecks, and implement improvements to enhance efficiency and product quality and development. Develop and implement quality control procedures. Work on eco-friendly production methods, minimizing waste, energy consumption and emissions, while maximizing sustainability. Collaborate closely with cross-functional teams and providing technical expertise. You will report directly to our CTO and you will work from our office in Stockholm. The role will involve extensive travel within Europe several times a month. What does Claes Kollberg, co-founder and CTO, say about Cemvision? "In the company, we all have a strong drive for sustainability, to develop solutions and materials for the future of construction. No day is like any other at Cemvision, and every day I learn a lot from my colleagues and the constant challenges we face. Openness, curiosity, and joy in our work for one of civilization's greatest challenges, I share with the Cemvision team. We are goal-oriented, systematic, work broadly, and complement each other. The knowledge we lack but need, we acquire quickly." Your profile To be successful, you should have a ‘no-problem-too-big’ attitude and be highly resourceful. This means a lot of drive, an analytical mindset, and being motivated by collaborating with others and getting things done. You probably have a big passion and engagement for sustainability and green technologies. You should also have the ability to thrive with the unique challenges and opportunities that come with a fast-paced and ever-evolving startup culture. We also think you have the following: A master’s degree in chemical engineering, process engineering, or related field. Proven experience in process engineering, preferably within the cement industry or a related heavy industry sector. Strong knowledge of production processes, quality control, and sustainability. Analytical mindset with excellent problem-solving skills. Familiarity with process simulation software and relevant engineering tools. Contact and application In this recruitment, we are collaborating with recruitment consultant Sara Persson, 0720-712688, at Intenso Teknikrekrytering. Submit your application via the application button. We work with continuous selection during this recruitment, so we would like to receive your application as soon as possible. Welcome with your application! About Cemvision Cemvision is a growing company on a mission to decarbonize cement, one of the world’s most urgent climate challenges, accounting for 8% of global CO2 emissions. We’re a team of cement and electrification experts, researchers, supply-chain specialists, creatives, and innovators from the traditional industry, academia, and the hyper-growth tech world. We’re proud to be backed by Breakthrough Energy Fellows (founded by Bill Gates in 2015), Norrsken Foundation, EQT Foundation, Polar Structure, BackingMinds, Zacua Ventures and companies from the cement, construction, and real estate industries. Read more at

8 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
7 juni 2024
Process Engineer

High level purpose of function. The role of a process engineer is to work on developing and refining lithium-ion cell formation processes and equipment. This includes taking entire processes development which means moving from initial concepts to near-production-ready stages regarding procedure in formation. And identify and specify internal and External customer expectations. Understanding what stakeholders need and ensuring that the processes meet those expectations is essential. Key Responsibilities Overall areas of responsibility and activities. Establish process metrics and goals for new processes and processes optimizing perspective. Develop and issue process designs as well as providing support to the Production / Cell design / Quality control. Data driven planning and execution of process DOEs. Creating, processing, visualizing, and analyzing datasets. Implement and support standardized process for industrialization. Troubleshooting in process & process regarding field. Requirements: Qualifications and experience A degree in Electro Chemical engineering and/or mechanical /Electrical engineering is typically required. Expertise in Li-ion battery process engineering & Aging is a strong plus. Research and development collaboration and expertise Industry background: Semiconductor or Electrical Engineering is a plus General understanding of the cell chemistry configuration during the charging and discharging process. Statistical Process Control (SPC) and capability analysis experience Data analysing skill & 6sigma knowledge is preference Experience for manufacturing process / equipment / production / QA Electrical and Electro-chemical charging and discharging knowledge Specific skills Excellent English written and oral skills, Swedish / Chinese / Korean / Japanese is a plus Proactive and goes beyond expectations Good negotiation and problem-solving skills Has a can-do attitude and an entrepreneurial spirit Ability to work well with others in a team environment, as well as independently Ability to work in a high profile and often high-pressured international environment Qualities that we cherish are flexibility, sense of quality, friendliness, motivation to take on new challenges, grit, and a sense of humor Demonstrable record of innovation Passionate & purpose driven Personal success factors Excellence in building trust and communicating Northvolt’s vision and values. Communicative and “likeable” personality Highly organized and result driven Passionate about technology and innovation

28 mars 2024
Sista ansökan:
29 augusti 2024